
How To Create A Website with Free Domain Name

How To Create A Website With A Free Domain Name

Hello and welcome to another tutorial on how to create a website with domain name for free. By using this method you will get a free domain (a "dot blogger dot com" domain) and free hosting as well as clean user interface to manage your blog or website.

Advantages of Creating A Website Or Blog

There are so many reasons you should create a website or blog for your personal use or for your business. Creating a website can aid you reach lots of potential customers for your business or earn revenue by providing value to people on your website. If you have a local store, a website can take you to the global market where you can ship goods and services around the world.
You can also earn income by promoting, useful products and affiliate marketing.

Read Also: Tips For Optimizing Your Website

What Are The Requirements For Setting Up A Website?

To get a website online requires you to buy a custom domain name. Which is the name people will type in the browser address bar to access your website. You will also need a hosting provider that is, a place to store all the files of your website. This can cost a lot of money in this post you will learn how to create a website or blog in a few steps without a web host or custom domain using blogger or how to create a website free of cost with domain name. Follow the steps below to get your website free of cost with domain name.

How To Create A Website Free Of Cost With Domain Name


Open a web browser and type in the query "" (link at the end of the post). This will open a webpage where you can sign up for a new blogger account and start building right away. It will come with a domain name and hosting.


Click on create a blog button on the page to create a new blogger account. You will need a Google account to be able to use blogger. Without a Google account you cannot use the blogger platform even if you have other email providers.


Sign in to your Google account or signup using the prompts. This has to be the Gmail you want to associate with your blog. It may appear in certain places on your website such about page. You may also choose to hide this later in settings.


Once you sign in successfully, you will be presented with the interface above. Type in the name of your blog. This name should be unique and should correspond to your business or personal goals. For example a website about gym and training should have something like "fitness Express".
Press next and then type in your domain. Here it is important to note that, what you type will be the website link. For example, typing fitness Expresss will generate a link with the dot Blogspot dot com link. Thus, "fitnessExpress dot blogspot dot com". Then click on next to create your blog or website.


Once you successfully setup your blog, publish it and create value. Drawing a stream of income from it could go a long way in sustaining the website. How can one monetize a blog or website? There's are many ways to do this.
Once your Website starts generating enough traffic there are many ways to do this. 

1. Affiliate Links.

This is one of the most common ways of making money from your website or blog. By placing affiliate Links on your website and earning a commission per click or per purchase. These links can be obtained from websites offering affiliate services. The more clicks, referrals or purchases through your links the more you earn.

2. Ad Networks Such As Google Adsense.

This is by far the most popular way of monetizing your website in 2023. Ad networks are companies that serve ads on your website or blog then pay you for allow ads to be served to your visitors. Among the lot Google Adsense is the easiest to integrate with blogger. You can do this by following the steps below.

Step 1:

Click the 3 lines at the top right of the blogger page.

Step 2:

Click on Earnings from the menu list.

Step 3:

Click on add AdSense account. This option will appear as create AdSense account. If you are new to AdSense, create a Google Adsense account through blogger to automatically link it. If you already have an AdSense account then you must link it manually.
Simply go to your AdSense account and click on add site. It is important to note that, AdSense has eligibility requirements which you can read on their support pages. It may take up to 2 weeks to review a site once you submit it.


Step 1.

To create a post on blogger, click the three lines at the top left corner of your screen. This will draw out the blogspot menu or sidebar.

Step 2:

Click on the create post button to open the post creation interface. Note that, if you have multiple blogs it's important to switch to the blog intended.

Step 3:

In the spaces provided, type in the title of the blog post you want to serve on the site. Type in the post in the body section, this can range from articles to products.
You will have access to formating tools such as bold, italics, underline, and you will be able to add links, images and embed videos. Create the blog post to your satisfaction with the tools to create a more professional look.

Step 4:

Once your post is ready you can use the preview button to see how your post appears on your website. If you are ok with everything, click on the publish button to publish your first post to your blog. Congratulations you just got a post on your site with a free domain and hosting.


To create a page for your website simply follow the steps below.

Step 1:

Click on the 3 lines at the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2:

Click on the pages option from the list to access the pages interface.

Step 3:

Click on the plus button on the page to create a new page. This will give you access to the creator page where you can design and create your page.


This is how to create a website free of cost with domain name in 2023 and get an additional free hosting. It's never been this easy. If you get a custom domain you can simply integrate it in a few clicks. Take your content online, hit the global markets. If you find this information useful like and Subscribe so you won't miss out next post on blogger seo setup.


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  1. غير معرف
    Wow this was super useful, I gain more insight on blogger. Keep up!
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