
200+ Keyboard Shortcut Keys To Streamlining Productivity

Using these essential keyboard shortcuts can help accelerate your workflow and make you more efficient in completing tasks

200+ Keyboard Shortcut Keys: Streamlining Productivity 

Keyboard Shortcut Keys


Keyboard shortcut keys are a powerful way to improve productivity and streamline daily tasks. Instead of relying on manual clicking and dragging, shortcut keys allow users to easily execute commands with just a few key presses. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of keyboard shortcuts and provide a comprehensive guide to the most essential and advanced shortcuts.

Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Copy (Ctrl + C)
  • Paste (Ctrl + V)
  • Undo (Ctrl + Z)
  • Save (Ctrl + S)
  • Bold (Ctrl + B)
  • Italic (Ctrl + I)
  • Cut (Ctrl + X)
  • Select all (Ctrl + A)
Using these essential keyboard shortcuts can help accelerate your workflow and make you more efficient in completing tasks. For example, instead of using your mouse to right-click and select "copy," you can use the simple "Ctrl + C" command to achieve the same result.

Windows Operating System Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Create a new folder (Ctrl + Shift + N)
  • Lock your screen (Windows key + L)
  • Minimize all windows (Windows key + M)
  • Close current window (Ctrl + W)
Windows-specific keyboard shortcuts can help streamline navigation and make tasks more efficient. For example, the "Windows key + L" command can quickly lock your screen, allowing you to step away from your computer without worrying about security breaches.

Web Browsing Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Scroll down (Spacebar)
  2. Scroll up (Shift + Spacebar)
  3. Open a new window (Ctrl + N)
  4. Zoom in (Ctrl + +)
  5. Zoom out (Ctrl + -)
Navigating the world wide web can be a breeze when you use commonly used web browsing keyboard shortcuts. With the simple "Ctrl + N" command, you can quickly open a new browsing window and continue multitasking.

Microsoft Office Keyboard Shortcuts


  1. Find (Ctrl + F)
  2. Insert hyperlink (Ctrl + K)
  3. Insert page break (Ctrl + Enter)
  4. Spellcheck (F7)


  1. Insert a new column (Ctrl + Shift + +)
  2. Insert a new row (Ctrl + Shift + =)
  3. Calculate all formulas in sheet (F9)


  1. Start slide show (F5)
  2. Preview slide show (Shift + F5)
  3. Duplicate current slide (Ctrl + D)
Keyboard shortcuts are especially helpful when working on document creation in the office. By utilizing Microsoft Office keyboard shortcuts, you can expedite document creation, editing, and management.
Additional Software Keyboard Shortcuts
Aside from the aforementioned keyboard shortcuts, other commonly used software or applications may have their own set of shortcuts. Popular applications like Adobe Photoshop and Final Cut Pro include numerous command shortcuts to help users navigate and complete tasks efficiently.

Advanced Keyboard Shortcuts

Advanced shortcuts may be lesser-known, but they can be extremely useful in specific contexts or applications. For example, the "Ctrl + Alt + Delete" command is known as the "three-finger salute" and can help energize a frozen computer.

  1. Ctrl + C: Copy
  2. Ctrl + X: Cut
  3. Ctrl + V: Paste
  4. Ctrl + Z: Undo
  5. Ctrl + Y: Redo
  6. Ctrl + A: Select all
  7. Ctrl + S: Save
  8. Ctrl + P: Print
  9. Ctrl + F: Find
  10. Ctrl + H: Replace
  11. Ctrl + B: Bold
  12. Ctrl + I: Italic
  13. Ctrl + U: Underline
  14. Ctrl + N: New
  15. Ctrl + O: Open
  16. Ctrl + W: Close window/tab
  17. Ctrl + Q: Quit
  18. Ctrl + T: New tab
  19. Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen closed tab
  20. Ctrl + Tab: Switch between tabs
  21. Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch to previous tab
  22. Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager (Windows)
  23. Ctrl + Alt + Del: Open Task Manager (Windows)
  24. Ctrl + Shift + N: Create new folder
  25. Ctrl + D: Duplicate
  26. Ctrl + F4: Close active document/window
  27. Ctrl + Esc: Open Start menu (Windows)
  28. Ctrl + Home: Go to beginning of document/page
  29. Ctrl + End: Go to end of document/page
  30. Ctrl + Up Arrow: Scroll up
  31. Ctrl + Down Arrow: Scroll down
  32. Ctrl + Left Arrow: Move cursor to the beginning of the previous word
  33. Ctrl + Right Arrow: Move cursor to the beginning of the next word
  34. Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow: Select text from cursor to the beginning of the previous word
  35. Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow: Select text from cursor to the beginning of the next word
  36. Ctrl + Shift + Home: Select text from cursor to the beginning of the document/page
  37. Ctrl + Shift + End: Select text from cursor to the end of the document/page
  38. Ctrl + Enter: Insert line break
  39. Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Insert paragraph break
  40. Ctrl + Alt + S: Save As
  41. Ctrl + Alt + P: Print Preview
  42. Ctrl + Alt + Z: Zoom
  43. Ctrl + Alt + C: Copyright symbol ©
  44. Ctrl + Alt + T: Trademark symbol ™
  45. Ctrl + Alt + R: Registered symbol ®
  46. Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Log out or access system options (Windows)
  47. Ctrl + Shift + S: Save All
  48. Ctrl + Shift + O: Open folder
  49. Ctrl + Shift + P: Open private browsing window
  50. Ctrl + Shift + I: Open browser Developer Tools
  51. Ctrl + Shift + Delete: Clear browsing data
  52. Ctrl + Shift + F: Find in page
  53. Ctrl + +: Zoom in
  54. Ctrl + -: Zoom out
  55. Ctrl + 0: Reset zoom
  56. Ctrl + Shift + +: Increase font size
  57. Ctrl + Shift + -: Decrease font size
  58. Ctrl + Shift + L: Align left
  59. Ctrl + Shift + E: Align center
  60. Ctrl + Shift + R: Align right
  61. Ctrl + Shift + J: Justify text
  62. Ctrl + Shift + 1: Heading 1
  63. Ctrl + Shift + 2: Heading 2
  64. Ctrl + Shift + 3: Heading 3
  65. Ctrl + Shift + 4: Heading 4
  66. Ctrl + Shift + 5: Heading 5
  67. Ctrl + Shift + 6: Heading 6
  68. Ctrl + Shift + 7: Bullet list
  69. Ctrl + Shift + 8: Numbered list
  70. Ctrl + Shift + 9: Remove formatting
  71. Ctrl + Shift + L: Toggle bullet points/numbering
  72. Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Keys: Rotate screen (Graphics drivers dependent)
  73. Ctrl + F5: Refresh page (ignore cache)
  74. Ctrl + Shift + F5: Refresh page and clear cache
  75. Ctrl + Shift + N: Open a new incognito window (Chrome)
  76. Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab (Chrome)
  77. Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2, Ctrl + 3, etc.: Switch between open tabs (Chrome)
  78. Ctrl + Shift + B: Toggle bookmarks bar (Chrome)
  79. Ctrl + Shift + D: Bookmark all open tabs (Chrome)
  80. Ctrl + J: Open downloads page (Chrome)
  81. Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E: Focus the browser's search bar (Chrome)
  82. Ctrl + L: Highlight the URL/address bar
  83. Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste without formatting
  84. Ctrl + Shift + C: Open Developer Tools and inspect an element
  85. Ctrl + Shift + D: Save all open tabs as bookmarks in a new folder (Firefox)
  86. Ctrl + Shift + P: Open a new private browsing window (Firefox)
  87. Ctrl + L: Highlight the URL/address bar (Firefox)
  88. Ctrl + F4: Close the current tab (Firefox)
  89. Ctrl + Shift + Tilde (~): Switch keyboard layout (Windows)
  90. Ctrl + Shift + Space: Select the entire column in Excel
  91. Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Enter a formula as an array formula in Excel
  92. Ctrl + Shift + F3: Create names from row and column labels in Excel
  93. Ctrl + Alt + V: Paste special in Excel
  94. Ctrl + Shift + ~: Show formulas in Excel
  95. Ctrl + Shift + $: Apply currency format in Excel
  96. Ctrl + Shift + #: Apply date format in Excel
  97. Ctrl + Shift + %: Apply percentage format in Excel
  98. Ctrl + Shift + &: Apply border to cells in Excel
  99. Ctrl + Shift + *: Select current region in Excel
  100. Ctrl + Shift + !: Apply number format in Excel
  101. Windows Key: Open or close the Start menu
  102. Windows Key + D: Show or hide the desktop
  103. Windows Key + E: Open File Explorer
  104. Windows Key + L: Lock the computer
  105. Windows Key + R: Open the Run dialog box
  106. Windows Key + Tab: Open Task View
  107. Windows Key + Arrow Keys: Snap windows to the sides or corners of the screen
  108. Windows Key + Print Screen: Capture a screenshot and save it to the Pictures folder
  109. Windows Key + Shift + S: Capture a specific area of the screen using Snip & Sketch
  110. Alt + Tab: Switch between open applications
  111. Alt + F4: Close the active window or application
  112. Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager
  113. Ctrl + Alt + Del: Access the security options menu (Windows Security)
  114. Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder
  115. Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager directly
  116. Ctrl + Shift + S: Save As
  117. Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste without formatting
  118. Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch between open tabs in reverse order
  119. Ctrl + Shift + T: Restore the last closed tab in your web browser
  120. Ctrl + Shift + N: Open a new incognito/private browsing window
  121. Ctrl + Shift + Delete: Open the Clear Browsing Data dialog in your web browser
  122. Ctrl + Shift + P: Print the current page or document
  123. Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy the formatting of selected text or object
  124. Ctrl + Shift + X: Cut the selected text or object
  125. Ctrl + Shift + F: Apply full screen mode to the current window or application
  126. Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new document in many applications
  127. Ctrl + Shift + S: Save the current document
  128. Ctrl + Shift + O: Open a document
  129. Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print the current document
  130. Ctrl + Shift + B: Open the bookmarks bar in your web browser
  131. Ctrl + Shift + H: Open the browser history in your web browser
  132. Ctrl + Shift + I: Open the browser developer tools in your web browser
  133. Ctrl + Shift + J: Open the JavaScript console in your web browser
  134. Ctrl + Shift + U: Open the "Clear Recent History" dialog in your web browser
  135. Ctrl + Shift + L: Lock the computer (Windows)
  136. Ctrl + Shift + F10: Show the right-click context menu for a selected item
  137. Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys: Select a block of text
  138. Ctrl + Shift + Home: Select all text from the cursor position to the beginning of the document
  139. Ctrl + Shift + End: Select all text from the cursor position to the end of the document
  140. Ctrl + Shift + Page Up: Select all text from the cursor position to the beginning of the document
  141. Ctrl + Shift + Page Down: Select all text from the cursor position to the end of the document
  142. Ctrl + Shift + Insert: Paste content from the clipboard as plain text
  143. Ctrl + Shift + Space: Create a non-breaking space character
  144. Ctrl + Shift + F9: Unlink a field in Microsoft Word
  145. Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print the current document in Microsoft Word
  146. Ctrl + Shift + F11: Lock the fields in a Microsoft Word document
  147. Ctrl + Shift + F8: Shrink the current selection in Microsoft Word
  148. Ctrl + Shift + F7: Update linked information in a Microsoft Word document
  149. Ctrl + Shift + F6: Switch between open Microsoft Word documents
  150. Ctrl + Shift + F5: Go to the previous revision in Microsoft Word
  151. Ctrl + Shift + F4: Go to the next revision in Microsoft Word
  152. Ctrl + Shift + F3: Insert the contents of the Spike in Microsoft Word
  153. Ctrl + Shift + F2: Save the current document in Microsoft Word
  154. Ctrl + Shift + F1: Open the task pane in Microsoft Word
  155. Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print the current worksheet in Microsoft Excel
  156. Ctrl + Shift + F11: Insert a new worksheet in Microsoft Excel
  157. Ctrl + Shift + F10: Show the right-click context menu for a selected cell or range in Microsoft Excel
  158. Ctrl + Shift + F9: Minimize the ribbon in Microsoft Excel
  159. Ctrl + Shift + F8: Add to the selection in Microsoft Excel
  160. Ctrl + Shift + F7: Move to the previous worksheet in Microsoft Excel
  161. Ctrl + Shift + F6: Move to the next workbook window in Microsoft Excel
  162. Ctrl + Shift + F5: Restore the window size of the selected workbook window in Microsoft Excel
  163. Ctrl + Shift + F4: Close the selected workbook window in Microsoft Excel
  164. Ctrl + Shift + F3: Create a new name in Microsoft Excel
  165. Ctrl + Shift + F2: Save the current workbook in Microsoft Excel
  166. Ctrl + Shift + F1: Hide or display the ribbon in Microsoft Excel
  167. Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print the current slide in Microsoft PowerPoint
  168. Ctrl + Shift + F11: Insert a new slide in Microsoft PowerPoint
  169. Ctrl + Shift + F10: Show the right-click context menu for a selected object in Microsoft PowerPoint
  170. Ctrl + Shift + F9: Remove a hyperlink in Microsoft PowerPoint
  171. Ctrl + Shift + F8: Resize a selected object proportionally in Microsoft PowerPoint
  172. Ctrl + Shift + F7: Move to the previous slide in Microsoft PowerPoint
  173. Ctrl + Shift + F6: Move to the next pane in Microsoft PowerPoint
  174. Ctrl + Shift + F5: Start the slide show from the current slide in Microsoft PowerPoint
  175. Ctrl + Shift + F4: Close the current presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint
  176. Ctrl + Shift + F3: Open the Slide pane in Microsoft PowerPoint
  177. Ctrl + Shift + F2: Save the current presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint
  178. Ctrl + Shift + F1: Show or hide the task pane in Microsoft PowerPoint
  179. Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print the current document in Microsoft Outlook
  180. Ctrl + Shift + F11: Create a new appointment in Microsoft Outlook
  181. Ctrl + Shift + F10: Show the right-click context menu for a selected item in Microsoft Outlook
  182. Ctrl + Shift + F9: Reply to a selected message in Microsoft Outlook
  183. Ctrl + Shift + F8: Forward a selected message in Microsoft Outlook
  184. Ctrl + Shift + F7: Check spelling in a message in Microsoft Outlook
  185. Ctrl + Shift + F6: Switch between the main Outlook window and the next open window
  186. Ctrl + Shift + F5: Switch to the previous folder in Microsoft Outlook
  187. Ctrl + Shift + F4: Close the current window in Microsoft Outlook
  188. Ctrl + Shift + F3: Forward a message as a vCard in Microsoft Outlook
  189. Ctrl + Shift + F2: Save the current item in Microsoft Outlook
  190. Ctrl + Shift + F1: Show or hide the Ribbon in Microsoft Outlook
  191. Ctrl + Shift + F9: Update all fields in a Microsoft Word document
  192. Ctrl + Shift + F8: Extend a selection or block of text in Microsoft Word
  193. Ctrl + Shift + F7: Display the Spelling and Grammar dialog box in Microsoft Word
  194. Ctrl + Shift + F6: Switch between open Microsoft Word documents
  195. Ctrl + Shift + F5: Go to the previous revision in Microsoft Word
  196. Ctrl + Shift + F4: Go to the next revision in Microsoft Word
  197. Ctrl + Shift + F3: Insert the contents of the Spike in Microsoft Word
  198. Ctrl + Shift + F2: Save the current document in Microsoft Word
  199. Ctrl + Shift + F1: Open the task pane in Microsoft Word
  200. Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print the current worksheet in Microsoft Excel

Tips for Learning and Using Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Memorize shortcuts through repetition
  2. Practice regularly to help you remember shortcuts
  3. Use online resources or tutorials to learn shortcuts
  4. Customize your own shortcuts to better fit your needs
Incorporating keyboard shortcuts into your daily workflow can help increase productivity, but it's important to be comfortable with the shortcuts you use. Practice makes perfect, so take the time to get familiar with your shortcuts!


Keyboard shortcuts are a powerful way to improve productivity and streamline daily tasks. By utilizing essential and advanced shortcuts, users can simplify tasks and make workflow more efficient. Don't be afraid to explore and implement shortcuts in your daily routine! Visit for more tech tips and tricks.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Can keyboard shortcuts be customized?

A: Yes, many applications allow for users to customize and personalize their own keyboard shortcuts.

Q: How can I practice learning keyboard shortcuts?

A: Online resources and tutorials are available for users to practice and improve their keyboard shortcut fluency.

Q: What are some advanced keyboard shortcuts I should know?

A: Advanced shortcuts like the "Ctrl + Alt + Delete" command can help energize a frozen computer, making it an essential shortcut to remember.

Additional Resources

Lifehack: The ABCs of Keyboard Shortcuts
ShortcutWorld: Keyboard Shortcuts for Popular Applications
Microsoft Support: List of Keyboard Shortcuts for Office
Adobe: Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts


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